Legal Marketing


3 Ways Innovation Can Transform Your Law Firm in 2016

Look at any business in history and there is always more upside potential for companies that are more innovative. The downside is reserved for those that cling to the old ways of doing business. They do the same things they’ve always done and expect a different result – the very definition of insanity. The challenge for law firms is when

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Making Cents Out of Chaos! The Wild, Wild Web

The billions of people that use the Web control it. Google, Facebook, Microsoft and all the other goliath online companies do their best to keep up and speculate what people will be doing next on the Web. They also want money, so they guide and control the direction and you’re forced to adapt or you slowly fall behind. Based on

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business card

Do I Still Need a Business Card?

Had you been a member of the upper class in the 1800s, you would have had a calling card elaborately ornamented and inked with fine calligraphy. It announced your arrival. The business card is the modern day equivalent. But statistics show that nearly 90 percent of business cards are trashed within a week. So in a world of websites, blogs

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What to Do Right Now to Get More Business in 2015

If you want to get 2015 off to a blockbuster start in terms of new business, you need to find a way to get and stay connected with the people that are your best sources of new business: current clients, past clients and others who have served as referral sources for you in the past. Clients If you’re a B2B

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online reputation

You Are Liable for Your Online Reputation

Are you ignoring the online world? It’s time to stop. Wake up to what is happening online. Between the opportunity to build referrals and the liability of wrong information online, you can’t afford to ignore it any longer. In The Denver Post, columnist Andy Vuong, recently wrote, “Harris Interactive recently conducted a survey on behalf of asking 2,570 American

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Legal Learning Series

Legal Learning Series Takes the South Florida Legal Community by Storm

A little more than a year and a half ago Robert Friedman and Karen Chamberlain teamed up to form Legal Learning Series, an educational event planning company that assists attorneys and legal professionals with continued learning credits, networking, professional development and more. Having served as volunteers for numerous associations helping to source venues, seek out need to know topics and

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3 Ways Innovation Can Transform Your Law Firm in 2016

Look at any business in history and there is always more upside potential for companies that are more innovative. The downside is reserved for those that cling to the old ways of doing business. They do the same things they’ve always done and expect a different result – the very definition of insanity. The challenge for law firms is when

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Making Cents Out of Chaos! The Wild, Wild Web

The billions of people that use the Web control it. Google, Facebook, Microsoft and all the other goliath online companies do their best to keep up and speculate what people will be doing next on the Web. They also want money, so they guide and control the direction and you’re forced to adapt or you slowly fall behind. Based on

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business card

Do I Still Need a Business Card?

Had you been a member of the upper class in the 1800s, you would have had a calling card elaborately ornamented and inked with fine calligraphy. It announced your arrival. The business card is the modern day equivalent. But statistics show that nearly 90 percent of business cards are trashed within a week. So in a world of websites, blogs

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What to Do Right Now to Get More Business in 2015

If you want to get 2015 off to a blockbuster start in terms of new business, you need to find a way to get and stay connected with the people that are your best sources of new business: current clients, past clients and others who have served as referral sources for you in the past. Clients If you’re a B2B

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online reputation

You Are Liable for Your Online Reputation

Are you ignoring the online world? It’s time to stop. Wake up to what is happening online. Between the opportunity to build referrals and the liability of wrong information online, you can’t afford to ignore it any longer. In The Denver Post, columnist Andy Vuong, recently wrote, “Harris Interactive recently conducted a survey on behalf of asking 2,570 American

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Legal Learning Series

Legal Learning Series Takes the South Florida Legal Community by Storm

A little more than a year and a half ago Robert Friedman and Karen Chamberlain teamed up to form Legal Learning Series, an educational event planning company that assists attorneys and legal professionals with continued learning credits, networking, professional development and more. Having served as volunteers for numerous associations helping to source venues, seek out need to know topics and

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